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Open Day at the Local Vineyard

There have been several interesting events recently. One of them was the bi-annual winefest at the Quinta dos Vales just outside Ferragudo.

A retired German banker bought the estate, planted vines, set up a modern chai, and introduced a whole plethora of polycarbonate (or similar) figurines. There are blue elephants, red fat ladies twirling on one foot, orange ladies spinning inside silver wheels, classical figures, and birds of prey.

In amongst this exposition of art figures is a covered area where local outlets cook food, and local dance groups give demonstrations of their latest routines.

We had a Japanese cookery group producing their rice dishes, and another local group dispensing roast pig with apple sauce sandwiches. I almost felt myself back in the Black Country, but the pork and apple open sandwiches in Dudley are still better.

One interesting stall was showing artefacts made from cork. These ranged from cork mats, and handbags, to cork caps. Fascinating stuff.

I tasted the wines on show, but found them rather disappointing. In my opinion the previous vintage was better. However, that wasn't all. We were given a show by the local riding school of their lipizanner horses.

But dont let me tell you about it all, have a look at the movie I've made.


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