Oh well, I guess we cant complain, but today (November 16th) marks the
end of summer. Yesterday temperatures were in the mid twenties, and the
sky was a deep blue. Today temperatures are below twenty degrees and
there is cloud everywhere, and there is a definite chill in the air.
Bearing in mind that the temperature in the UK is forecast to be around
9 degrees I dont think we can complain, especially as we haven't yet
switched on the heating here. That's not bad. We have had roughly seven
months of summer.
I have always maintained that the seasons here dont in any way compare
with seasons further north. Our winter is really in the summer time,
that period when nothing much grows because there is no rain. That
means that although november is officially our autumn, it is also our
spring as that is when the grass, and the weeds, start to grow again.
At the moment the roses are all in bloom, and the winter flowering
trees are a mass of colour. In two or three weeks time the jonquils
will be out, and I hope to have a vase of the delicious smelling
flowers on my living room table.
As they say, one door closes and another one opens.